The First Lady of the United States offers an insightful commentary to The Onion.
A blog about the intersection of medicine and business, produced by the members of the Medical Consumerism seminar at the University of Minnesota.
The American Academy of Pediatrics is calling for the FDA to require warning labels on food items that may pose a choking hazard to children. Some (including food manufacturers) are not convinced labeling food will do anything to stop the hundreds of choking deaths that occur in US children each year. Click here to read more.
According to the article found here, the devastating event of natural aging should be recognized as a disease - and treated accordingly. Apparently, "chronological aging -- is relentless and unstoppable. But experts studying the science of aging say it's time for a fresh look at the biological process -- one which recognizes it as a condition that can be manipulated, treated and delayed." Great - living may one day be considered a disease. I can't imagine how painful it would be to be diagnosed as old.